The Board of
Directors of Fiat S.p.A. met yesterday under the
chairmanship of Luca Cordero di Montezemolo to review the
motions to be submitted to the forthcoming Stockholders
Meeting for the renewal of Board of Directors whose mandate
expires on the date of the Meeting.
The Board, having agreed on the recommendations set forth by
the Nominating and Compensation Committee chaired by John
Elkann, resolved to confirm the principle, adopted in May
2005, of a board composed of a majority of independent
directors, believing that it is essential to ensure that the
interests of all stockholders, including minority
stockholders, are properly and effectively protected. The
Board also confirmed the selective criteria adopted for
determining the independence of directors. These criteria
are more stringent than the ones recently adopted by the new
Corporate Governance Code of Italian Listed Companies.
The Board underscored that, having thoroughly revised the
corporate governance regulations of the Fiat Group last
year, Fiat is already in compliance with the provisions of
the new Corporate Governance Code.
The Board underscored that, having thoroughly
revised the corporate governance regulations of the
Fiat Group last year, Fiat is already in compliance
with the provisions of the new Corporate Governance
Code. |
The Board of Directors of Fiat S.p.A. met yesterday
under the chairmanship of Luca Cordero di
Montezemolo (above at the Geneva Motor Show) to
review the motions to be submitted to the
forthcoming Stockholders Meeting for the renewal of
Board of Directors whose mandate expires on the date
of the Meeting. |
The Board also
empowered the Nominating and Compensation Committee to put
forth proposals to amend the Articles of Association on the
basis of the recently issued savings law, also with a view
to attaining compliance with regulations that may be issued
in the future.
More specifically, the Board resolved to: submit to the
Stockholders Meeting a motion to set the number of members
of the Board of Directors at fifteen, the majority of whom
independent; and to invite stockholders to submit motions
for nominations of candidates within the fifteenth day prior
to the Stockholders Meeting, as prescribed in the new
Corporate Governance Code.