Deutsche Bank AG
is expected to table a bid to buy the majority stake in Fiat
Auto's retail finance arm, Fidis Retail Italia Spa. The news
that Germany's biggest bank was interested in the Fidis sale
came from the head of Deutsche Bank's Italian division,
Vincenzo Figarola De Bustis, "I think it is among the group
of banks that will make an offer," he told financial
reporters on Tuesday on the sidelines of a conference.
Fidis Retail Italia was created
as the
result of the spin-off of the retail financing activities of Fidis S.p.A.,
the financial services division of Fiat Auto, which took
place during 2003. A majority stake (51 percent) in the company was sold
at the time to a consortium made up of four major Italian
banking groups: BancaIntesa, Capitalia, San Paolo–IMI and
Unicredito Italiano. At at point in time Fiat was urgently looking
to raise cash funds to keep its struggling auto division afloat, and the Fidis
personal car-loans division was one of its few
very strongly-performing and consistently-profitable units.
Fidis Retail
Italia S.p.A. is now non-bank financial institution
registered by Bank of Italy according to art.113 of Testo
Unico Bancario. It has over 9 billion euros under management
and operates through its retail subsidiaries located across 12
European countries. Fiat retained an option to repurchase
the 51 percent stake in Fidis from the consortium of banks
which took up the controlling share in 2003, and Fiat CEO
Sergio Marchionne is very keen to resolve the issue, buying
back the share and selling it to a single partner who can
bring long-term strengths to the operation.
Fidis Retail Italia was
created as the
result of the spin-off of the retail financing activities of Fidis S.p.A.,
the financial services division of Fiat Auto, which
took place in 2003. |
The first Fiat Grande Punto rolls off the new
production line a Mirafiori. Now Deutsche Bank AG is
expected to table a bid to buy the majority stake in
Fiat Auto's retail finance arm, Fidis Retail Italia
Spa. |
Influential Italian newspaper La Repubblica stated on
6th June that four non-Italian financial institutions were
in the running to buy the stake, naming them as BNP Paribas
SA, Credit Agricole SA, Deutsche Bank SA and Societe
Generale SA. The same day, as newspapers speculation
continued to build, the Fiat Group issued a statement to the
stock markets that said: "With regard to rumours published
on newspapers in the past few days, Fiat confirms that
several evaluations are currently being studied to identify
a sole partner for the Financial Services of Fiat Auto. No
decisions have however been finalized yet," it concluded.
It has been widely reported in financial newspapers that the
asking price for the Fidis stake will be around 1 billion
euros, with Reuters last week quoting its own sources
as saying that French banking institution BNP Paribas SA had
tabled a bid close to this figure. A similar offer has
reportedly also been made by Deutsche Bank AG.
ratings' agency Standard & Poor's recently improved outlook
for the Fiat Group "is a prize for those who work at Fiat
and Sergio Marchionne, and the whole team is pushing to do
even better," Italian news agency AGI reported Fiat
President Luca di Montezemolo as saying on hearing the news.
This result, he added "pushes us to continue to work with
determination and humility and these are the two most
beautiful things I see in Fiat today. It is a great