30.04.2006 A zero-emission hydrogen fuel cell scooter was recently successfully operated at the testing grounds of Piaggio in Pontedera, Italy

A full hydrogen fuel cell scooter was recently successfully operated at the testing grounds of Piaggio & C Spa in Pontedera, Italy. The development of this zero-emission vehicle aims at a reduction of greenhouse gasses in our future society where hydrogen will be the energy carrier. Piaggio teamed up with the Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN) that build the "electrochemical engine" comprising the fuel cells.

Scooters are popular vehicles in cities and urban area all over the world. Reducing the emissions and energy use of these vehicles would mean a great asset in improving air quality and preserving the environment, including the reduction of noise. Highly efficient fuel cells running on hydrogen and feeding an electric motor form the preferred technology.

By participating in a development project on this technology, Piaggio extends its activities in environmentally benign propulsion systems that have been started with its leading role in hybrid technology. In hybrid technology normal internal combustion engines are used, but in a very efficient way. Because these engines still use petrol, hybrids can already be used today and thus offer short-term environmental improvements. The longer-term fuel cell technology will be the step to vehicles with no emissions at all.


Scooters are popular vehicles in cities and urban area all over the world. Reducing the emissions and energy use of these vehicles would mean a great asset in improving air quality and preserving the environment, including the reduction of noise. Highly efficient fuel cells running on hydrogen and feeding an electric motor form the preferred technology.


The Piaggio X9 hydrogen prototype, seen here during its successful test at Pontedera, has a range of 120 kilometres and a maximum velocity of 70 kilometres an hour.

Piaggio cooperated with ECN that build the "electrochemical engine" comprising the fuel cells, Selin Sistemi Spa from Italy that realized the electric motor and its electronic control, and CEA Valduc from France that developed the on-board hydrogen storage tank and the refilling facility. The universities of Pisa and Florence, and ESMA Company from Russia delivered additional services and components to the consortium.

In the February test drives, acceleration, maximum speed and range were verified. Earlier fuel cell developments for scooters were limited to small devices for charging an on-board battery. In the FRESCO project, propulsion for the first time relied completely on the fuel cell alone. Because of its relevance for preserving the ecosystem, the development was partially funded by The European Commission in its fifth framework program.

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Report & Photos: Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands / © 2006 Interfuture Media/Italiaspeed