The Alfa Romeo Clube de Portugal has just kicked off their programme of events for this year with a driving trip to Montargil in Portugal which took more than thirty cars through beautiful scenery and superb roads.

The Alfa Romeo Clube de Portugal has just kicked off their programme for this year with a trip to Montargil in Portugal.

It was just after nine o’clock in the morning when the first Alfisti began arriving at the meeting point, known as the Alpiarça Dam, the location chosen for the start of the first club trip of 2008.

The day's weather was perfect, very warm and sunny. And after the usual pleasantries and breakfast had concluded, the road books were handed over and we started to hear the beautiful sound of the many Alfa Romeo engines warming up.

Once out on the road, the teams had to follow the scheduled roads controlled by “blind” navigators. The roads were fantastic, providing all the Alfisti taking part with the best conditions to test their driving skills; however, unfortunately, keeping firmly in mind at all times the average speed according to the road books. In other words, cool down.

The quality of the road surfaces on the route were actually very good and we toured through beautiful landscapes. Just over thirty Alfas arrived in a procession at a village called Mora. Our lunch was a traditional Portuguese cuisine from the Alentejo district, eaten at the well known place in the area named Albergaria Solar dos Lilases.

During our lunch meal we had the opportunity to watch films from our past club events and some great pictures taken at the Alfa Romeo museum in Arese which were kindly offered by the last year’s Alfa Trophy winner Alexandre Berardo. For more information please visit www.clubealfistaportugal.com

by Rui Bettencourt

© 2008 Interfuture Media/Italiaspeed