conference, "Cittą dei Motori". From left to
right Jean Todt, General manager Ferrari;
Lucia Bursi, mayor of Maranello and
President of "Cittą dei Motori"; Leonardo
Domenici, mayor of Florence and President of
Anci (Associazione Nazionale Comuni Italiani);
Danilo Moriero, editor of Anci magazine. |
Lucia Bursi,
mayor of Maranello, has been elected by the assembly of the
members, as the new president of the "Cittą dei Motori"
association (CdM) at Maranello. CdM is an association -
promoted by Anci - uniting the local authorities with
high-class companies in the automotive sector, sports
associations and cultural institutions. Attilio Fontana,
mayor of Varese, has been elected vice-president. Part of
the board are Riccardo Mariani (mayor of Mandello del Lario),
Renzo Bartoli (Pontedera) and Aurelio Pravatą (Termini
Three committees will be responsible for the specific
programs: a) Promoting territory, culture and events (head
of division Sandra Galazzo, mayor of Scarperia); b)
Research, innovation and safety (head of division Vincenzo
Pellegrini, assessor Atessa); c) Comunication, external and
institutional relations (head of division Massimo Casotto,
assessor Noale).
Sixteen local authority districts are part of the "founding
members" of the CdM: representing ten regions and 1.207
million inhabitants. Atessa (Chieti), Casteldario (Mantova),
Fiorano (Modena), Imola (Bologna), Mandello del Lario (Lecco),
Maranello (Modena), Misano Adriatico (Rimini), Monfalcone (Gorizia),
Noale (Venice), Pesaro, Pontedera (Pisa), Samarate/Cascina
Costa (Varese), Scarperia (Florence), Termini Imerese
(Palermo), Torino, Varese. According to the statute of the
CdM the attendance is open for all districts. Soon Bologna
and Monza will be part of the CdM, while Arese, Cassino and
Melfi are weighing up the reasons of the project.
Cittą dei Motori tried immediately to include the districts
where cars, scooters and motorbikes are manufactured, but
also wants to include other types from the automotive
industry, thus adding representative parts of the automotive
Made in Italy in Italy and all over the world. This is why
Varese and Samarate/Cascina Costa are part of the
association, with their aeronautic industries, while
Monfalcone is part because of its ship production.
The idea of "Cittą dei Motori" was born in February 2007.
The project started to get shape in Maranello, at the
offices of mayor Bursi. The foundation of the association
took place on 18th December 2007 in Rome and with today's
meeting of its members. The CdM was founded with the same
idea that has brought the Anci to form the association of
districts called "cities with identities". Those districts
are characterized by the existence of a certain product on
their territory (until today almost always food related), or
of an additional value of transformation. The associations
of the districts are part of the "Res Tipica" project.
The CdM's mission
1/Valorize the territories - The CdM's main goal is
promoting and valorizing the territories, thanks to the
great attraction of the automotive Made in Italy in the
world. But it is also a synergy between districts,
companies, circuits, museums, public and private
2/Scientific research - Beyond the synergies between
districts and companies the CdM networks intends to sum up a
third indispensable interlocutor - the universities and the
sector of research. Here it is important to find and promote
the already existing structures to attract and add new ones.
3/Environmental compatibility - It is one of the
association's priorities, written down in the four goals of
the statute and connected to research. The districts, and
especially the big municipalities, are trying their best to
lower environmental pollution, especially as far as the
traffic is concerned. This issue has to be introduced in the
dialogue between Anci and CdM, representatives from the
field of research and other affected parts. The goal has to
be reached also through the quality of architectonic
projects as far as the industrial settlements are concerned.
4/Road safety - The districts and the local police, together
with the national police, are engaged in making everybody
respect the Highway Code especially as far as life and the
physical integrity of people are concerned. The Anci
promotes and is a partner in numerous campaigns for raising
awareness of the need for road safety. Anci will continue
working in this field also through synergies with the CdM.
Another issue as far as road safety is concerned is the
condition under which road circulation is accomplished:
roads, illumination, signalling equipment. Resources are
necessary, while the financial situation of the districts is
problematic. The CdM will study "open" initiatives,
elaborate and propose, in the interest of the people/users
of the roads, starting with young people.
Institutional partners & offices
The state police
are the main institutional partner of Cittą dei Motori, who
play an important role in the area of road safety. CdM and
Anci also want to include other institutional partners to
reach the goals of "Cittą dei Motori" as soon as possible.
CdM's offices - The offices of the CdM are in Rome, at the
new Museo delle Auto della Polizia di Stato (Via Tommaso
Campanella, former PS and currently being restructured). The
technical office is already working at the Anci, in Via dei
Prefetti 46, 00186 Rome. Head of the technical office is
Dott. Danilo Moriero.
General manager Jean Todt declared: "As Ferrari we are glad
to host the 'Cittą dei Motori' association today, because we
share their goals, which are of general interest. Ferrari,
although it is an international company, is extremely
connected to the territory, which you can tell by the
investments in new structures for our production, which are
avant-garde also in their design, just like the success of
the Galleria Ferrari, receiving more than 200,000 visitors
in 2007 and today one of the main attractions in Maranello."