After months of speculation by Indian fans, rumour will become reality tomorrow as two Ferrari 612 Scagliettis set off from Mumbai on an 74-day ‘Magic India Discovery’ tour, supported by long-time technical partner, Shell.


The 13,000-kilometre road trip, which will navigate India in an anti-clockwise direction, is the fourth in a string of successful Gran Turismo tours developed by Ferrari; these include tours of China with the 612 Scaglietti (top) and America with the 599 GTB Fiorano (above).

After months of speculation by Indian fans, rumour will become reality tomorrow as two Ferrari 612 Scagliettis set off from Mumbai on an 74-day ‘Magic India Discovery’ tour, supported by long-time technical partner, Shell.

The 13,000-kilometre road trip, which will navigate India in an anti-clockwise direction, is the fourth in a string of successful Gran Turismo tours developed by Ferrari to expand the Prancing Horse brand beyond its traditional fan base. As with previous endeavours, Shell is on board as a major supporter and will stage several special events along the way as testament to the strong technical partnership that exists between the two companies.

Shell Global Sponsorship Manager, Regula Bleuler will join the tour: “Shell is thrilled to be supporting the Ferrari ‘Magic India Discovery’ tour. Our technical partnership with Ferrari is one of the oldest and most well-known in Formula One, but what is often overlooked is the depth of this relationship. Ferrari also uses Shell V-Power road fuel and Shell Helix Ultra motor oil in the development of engines for its magnificent GT cars, such as the 612 Scaglietti.”

During the tour, the two Ferraris will make guest appearances at Shell events in Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai and Delhi. At each location, Shell customers, employees and partners will be able to experience the unique sight and sound of this glorious flagship model first-hand. The special livery is sure to turn heads across the country.

Over 60 Years of Shared Passion for Performance

As early as the 1930s Shell was helping Enzo Ferrari go racing, so it was a mark of esteem when Shell was chosen to supply fuel and oils to the company he founded in 1947. Today, Shell plays an integral role, analysing and developing products for Ferrari racing and road cars, with the aim of transferring learning to Shell road products.

“Ferrari provides Shell with a cutting-edge test bed for product development,” explains Shell Technology Manager for Ferrari, Dr. Lisa Lilley. “But we also share a common design philosophy. Neither party is willing to accept the status quo - we both seek to push the boundaries of development. This definitely creates an exciting working environment!”

Shell’s activity with the Ferrari Gran Turismo department is wide-ranging, covering fuels, engine lubricants and transmission fluids. The demanding performance engines provide a perfect testing ground for changes and improvements to Shell road products. Ferrari’s approval and endorsement is an important quality target. In return, Shell provides Ferrari with equally important insight into fuel and lubricant development trends so that its cars, which by nature have a longer lifespan than conventional cars, will run at their optimum level on the products of tomorrow.

Shell V-Power road fuel

“Recently, our technical partnership with Ferrari contributed to the development of Shell V-Power road fuel,” says Dr. Lilley. “We use Ferrari to test new technologies under the most extreme and controlled conditions. Knowledge is then transferred into our commercial programmes, to ensure our customers always benefit from the latest advancements.” The latest version of Shell V-Power road fuel contains an advanced Friction Modification Technology. Targeting the piston rings, the technology is designed to help the engine turn more freely, unlocking valuable energy and helping improve horsepower. Formulated with powerful cleansing agents, the fuel is also designed to help prevent power-robbing deposits from forming on inlet valves and injection systems, with the aim of enhancing responsiveness.

Shell Helix Ultra motor oil

“Engine oil is critical,” Dr. Lilley explains. “The lifeblood of the engine, its job is to help keep the engine clean, protect the moving parts from mechanical wear, reduce friction and power loss, and to cool the engine. Shell Helix Ultra contains active engine cleansing agents to help prevent the build-up of dirt to ensure optimal engine performance.” Shell’s deep technical partnership with Ferrari is an essential part of its overall design and development strategy. A combination of Shell V-Power road fuel, Shell Helix Ultra motor oil and other products like Shell Spirax gearbox oil and Shell transmission fluid, give all Shell customers, including Ferrari, a complete package of engine care.

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