Renowned Hollywood director Michael Mann has made a stunning video set against the extraordinary natural backdrop of the Californian coastline inspired by the emotions of driving the new Ferrari California.

Renowned Hollywood director Michael Mann has made a stunning video set against the extraordinary natural backdrop of the Californian coastline inspired by the emotions of driving the new Ferrari California.  

Shooting took place in late July in the Mount Tam area between San Francisco and Sausalito, at Half Moon Bay and in the San Mateo National Forest and featured two Ferrari Californias negotiating the breathtaking roads and highways that have made California such a firm favourite with GT enthusiasts. The video beautifully depicts the sporty prowess of the new car, the exceptional driving pleasure and fun behind the wheel it delivers and its exceptional onboard comfort and versatility.  

The colours used for the two cars – Rosso Corsa for one and Azzurro California for the other – were carefully chosen: red is the iconic Ferrari colour, of course, while this shade of blue is one of the typical colours of the famous 1960s Spiders and also the same one used on the car exhibited at the New York Auto Show in 1962. The video will be broadcast on www.ferraricalifornia.com.  

Michael Mann, who has directed hit films such as Miami Vice, The Last of the Mohicans, Heat, Ali and Collateral, is himself a major Ferrari enthusiast. His first Ferrari was a 308 which he purchased in Belgium in 1970. He followed this up with a Testarossa in 1985 and then a 550 Maranello. Mann has also driven two Ferrari Challenges. Right now he is the proud owner of a 599 GTB Fiorano which he uses regularly.

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