
Lancia chooses the internet to unveil the preview of its new and eagerly awaited Delta, with a communication strategy which starts with the Delta Project website.

Lancia chooses the internet to unveil the preview of its new and eagerly awaited Delta, with a communication strategy which starts with the Delta Project website and involves the Lancia Village on Second Life.

The Internet as an instrument of international communication and togetherness, without boundaries. The Internet as a “place” accessible to everyone, which allows users to enjoy the same Delta experience as only those who attend the International Shows can enjoy, before the commercial launch planned for the month of June: starting to get to know the car, discovering its details and major features.

Today sees the birth of the Delta Project (www.thedeltaproject.eu), revealing the secrets of the eagerly awaited Lancia car, after the preview in the virtual world of Second Life.

Two projects with a single philosophy: “the Delta”, understood as a universal measure of difference, as tending towards improvement and excellence and going beyond a previous limit. The search for the new Delta forms the basis of the entire strategy.

Going through the sections of the website, online from today, visitors complete a journey where “only the best” hold sway. A continuously evolving project, devised with the intention of arousing the user’s curiosity and creating interest in the car in the lead-up to the official launch, planned for June.

But the website designed by Testawebedv goes beyond the car concept, through those sections of the site which involve areas of interest consistent with the Delta philosophy.

There are five areas to be explored:

Delta Philosophy: Delta is a way of thinking, of being and of acting. Delta is the search for excellence. Excellence which starts with the car and continues with Web surfers looking for their own personal Delta.

Delta Marks: New trends on the Net. Originality and innovation: the best creations on the Web, selected weekly by the Delta Project editorial staff.

Delta Cult: The great legends in Europe’s largest survey. Cinema, Sport, Music and Design: four categories, four worlds to identify with and in which to choose and vote. Selecting, without hesitation, everything that has “an extra Delta”.

Discover Delta: Detail after detail, Delta takes shape. A new and original way of discovering it. The car is revealed by assembling the Lancia components and parts that “make the difference”. Also in this section, registered users can discover the materials and catalogue for the 78th Geneva International Show: just leave a few simple details to receive the Delta press kit and official photos.

Delta Talent: Lancia Automobiles endorses an operation which initiates a European research project for the most talented persons interested in developing their careers within the Fiat Group. Simply answer the questions in the Delta Test and send in a résumé.

On 3 March, 24 hours before the official presentation at the Geneva International Show, the new Delta will be previewed in the Lancia Village on Second Life. Those who want more than the details in Discover Delta will be able to view a 3D version of the all-new Lancia model and to drive it - virtually - on the tracks of the Lancia Village. Future steps in the communication project include a focus on the car, multimedia materials and new product developments which will be unveiled to the public during the car’s launch phase.


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