Alenia Aeronautica is presently studying the development of new-conception interiors designed by Pininfarina that will be offered as an option for the Sukhoi Superjet 100, part of a wide ranging agreement in place between the two companies.

Within a long-term partnership between Alenia Aeronautica, a Finmeccanica Company, and Pininfarina Extra (Pininfarina Group) – which will also cover testing, aerodynamics, mock-ups and 3D animations – Alenia is studying the development of  new-conception interiors designed by Pininfarina, to offered as an option for the Sukhoi Superjet 100. The aircraft is the most modern and ecological 95-seat regional transport jet available on the market and is made by Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Corp. (SCAC) in collaboration with Alenia Aeronautica.

The passenger’s requirements are at the basis of the project’s philosophy adopted by Alenia and Pininfarina in designing Sukhoi Superjet 100’s interiors. The general ergonomics of Sukhoi Superjet 100’s cabin, where scientific, technological and engineering research combines with aesthetics, is inspired by the visual comfort concept, in addition to the biometric comfort. Fundamental is the passenger’s first impression when seeing the aircraft’s interiors: wider, more comfortable and relaxing as compared to those of the other aircraft of the same category, also thanks to the cabin’s height of 2,12 metres and a luggage bay per passenger of 0,065 cubic metres.

Passengers will certainly appreciate Sukhoi Superjet 100’s interiors as soon as they enter the door, thanks to an entrance studied purposefully to offer an easy and pleasant first contact with the aircraft and to transmit a feeling of spaciousness, welcoming and relax. Inside the cabin: ceiling design, different colours and shades of lighting generated by LED systems, varying during the several flight phases, colour balances, materials, lines, finishing details and sober and elegant settings will increase comfort and wellbeing perception.

With a set-up of 5-seat rows, the seats, combining style and ergonomics both in the business and in the tourist class, will be among the largest ever installed on regional transport aircraft (32’’ pitch), thanks also to a fuselage 45 centimetres larger than those of the competitors, which permits wider room for the seats’ installation.

Cabin windows (27×38 centimetres), hand-luggage bays – their volume is bigger than that of the bays of same category’s aircraft and of the narrow-bodies like Boeing and Airbus -, service instrumentation for passengers with new graphics for light switches, hostess call and air conditioning vents are all elements contributing to defining new and higher quality and comfort standards for regional aircraft. Aisles for tourist class will measure 51 centimetres in width, thus more than what offered by the regional aircraft and about 3 centimetres more than in the narrow-bodies Boeing and Airbus. Proportioned areas are programmed also for toilets, designed to guarantee room and comfort.

The final launch of the development of the cabin signed Pininfarina will be confirmed in September 2008, upon a common agreement reached by SCAC and Alenia Aeronautica.

Alenia Aeronautica

Alenia Aeronautica, a Finmeccanica Company, is the largest Italian aeronautic player which operates worldwide in the commercial and military aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles and aerostructures. Alenia Aeronautica also coordinates the activities of Alenia Aermacchi and Alenia Aeronavali - wholly owned companies – respectively active in the design and manufacturing of military trainer aircraft and in the overhaul, maintenance and modification of military and civil aircraft. With its joint venture ATR, Alenia Aeronautica is the world leader in the regional turboprop market, while, thanks to its 51% participation in Superjet International and to the purchase of 25% + 1 share of Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company, Alenia Aeronautica completes its offer within the regional jet sector. Over 2007 Alenia Aeronautica reported revenues of 2,306 millions Euro, backlog for 8,248 millions Euro and orders for 3,104. The total workforce is 13.301.. Over 2007 Alenia Aeronautica reported revenues of 2,306 millions Euro, backlog for 8,248 millions Euro and orders for 3,104. The total workforce is 13.301.

© 2008 Interfuture Media/Italiaspeed