With its array
of exclusive equipment, the Fiat Linea is a miniature
flagship, featuring a passenger compartment that is
enjoyable in any situation or climate. The new model offers
equipment worthy of a higher segment because of the level of
well-being achieved on board, including automatic climate
system and a radio with CD player (including MP3 files). And
the Fiat Linea offers the best automatic systems such as
Cruise Control, and rain, dusk and parking sensors, to
reduce driving stress. And while we are on the subject of
innovative technologies, the latest arrival from Fiat can
also be equipped with the Blue&Me® system which alters
communication, information and entertainment standards in
the car. Last but not least, riding in the Fiat Linea is
enhanced by the suspension system, which improves the
handling and onboard comfort.
The Blue&Me® infotelematic
The Fiat Linea can be equipped with the innovative
‘Blue&Me®’ system, based on the Windows Mobile technology,
developed by Fiat Group Automobiles and Microsoft, which
changes the communication, information and entertainment
standards in the car, improving comfort and the quality of
life on board.
The device is easy to use and Bluetooth® technology allows
you to make and receive telephone calls and listen to music
simply and safely as you drive, communicating with the
outside world from the car via your personal devices such as
cell phones and PDAs.
Other, more evolved devices will be available later, giving
access to the many novelties that technology will make
available in the coming years: from complete multimedia
operation to satellite navigation, and a set of services
will also be offered to make using the car more convenient,
safer and easier.
The Blue&Me® device incorporates a refined hands-free system
with voice recognition, which guarantees maximum driving
safety in all conditions and with full respect for the law,
because the driver can use it without taking his hands off
the wheel. The system allows a customer with a Bluetooth®
cell phone to use it, without taking it out of his pocket or
bag, and it automatically lowers the radio volume (if this
is on) and transmits the interlocutor’s voice through the
stereo speakers. What is more, the system is fully
compatible with cell phones on the market today, and may be
upgraded to comply with new standards and future telephones.
The Blue&Me® device is built into the car and the control
keys are on the steering wheel, so that you can search for a
number in the phonebook by scrolling through the display on
the instrument panel, or ‘mute’ the communication for a more
confidential conversation. The main features include the
fact that a cell phone only has to be registered once on the
system, and the whole phonebook can be transferred to the
car, being automatically updated every time the system
recognises the cell phone.
Privacy is guaranteed because access to the phonebook is
only granted when the telephone registered with the system
is present. The display shows the number or name of the
person calling if this is recognised by the phonebook, and
it is possible to formulate a number ‘vocally’ by dictating
it digit by digit, or to call a person by saying the name,
if it is memorised. And thanks to an advanced voice
recognition process, no voice learning process is necessary.
The device is able to memorise up to 5 cell phones, thus
granting several users of a single car immediate use of the
hands-free system; the programming can obviously be modified
whenever necessary. And with the hands-free system with
voice recognition, it is even possible to reproduce personal
telephone call tones through the car radio.
We have described the hands-free system with voice
recognition, but there are other features to the innovative
Blue&Me® system: it allows you to listen to your favourite
music recorded on a cell phone, new smart phone, an MP3
player or a USB pen drive. This is made possible by the
presence of a USB port in the glove compartment, which can
connect to any digital device with a similar port. This
allows musical audio files (MP3, WMA and WAV) to be played
through the stereo system. And because all the information
is visible on the instrument panel display, the customer can
browse the system archive (divided by type, album, artist,
etc.) either vocally or using the steering wheel controls,
and select a piece using the steering wheel controls.
Climate control
The climate inside the car is one of the main factors of
comfort during a journey, and it is also important for
preventive safety, because temperature, humidity and
ventilation affect the driver’s well-being and therefore his
attention level. Nor can we forget that the heating and
ventilation system is also responsible for demisting the
windscreen and side windows. The new model offers a choice
of three climate systems: a conventional heater, a manual
climate unit and an automatic climate system.
The latter incorporates a control unit that automatically
controls the temperature, air flow, air distribution, and
activation of the compressor and the recirculation function.
The system also adopts an ‘equivalent temperature’ climate
control strategy. A number of sensors measure the indoor and
outdoor temperatures, and assess the sensation of thermal
well-being perceived by the passenger, i.e. the energy
exchange between the human body and the passenger
compartment, which is influenced by the humidity,
temperature and treated air flow. Another sensor, positioned
centrally at the base of the windscreen, measures the solar
radiation in the vehicle and the inclination with which the
rays hit the passenger compartment. This makes it possible
to predict any excessive increase in temperature inside the
car caused by the rays of the sun, and to inform the climate
unit in time.
And finally, all versions equipped with the climate system
offer the option of PTC (Positive Temperature Coefficient).
This is an electric heater built into the climate unit which
heats the air to a temperature that gives passengers an
immediate sensation of warmth, rapidly and without waiting
for the engine liquid to heat up. This increases safety in
Winter climates because the warm air demists the windows
Cruise Control
Cruise Control is a system that helps the motorist to
control the vehicle speed, enhancing travelling comfort. The
device acts directly on the engine throttle, automatically
maintaining the cruising speed set by the driver. It is only
necessary to turn the ring on the special lever positioned
to the left of the steering wheel to the ‘ON’ position,
adjusting the speed using ‘plus’ (or ‘minus’). When the ring
is released the car will continue to travel at the memorised
speed without the driver having to touch the accelerator
Cruise Control can function over the engine’s entire rpm
range, but only at speeds above 40 km/h. So it is advisable
to activate it in road conditions that will make it possible
to maintain the memorised value safely. If the accelerator
pedal is pressed (for example to overtake), Cruise Control
is momentarily over-ridden, but the system remains active.
The car will therefore accelerate as requested, but as soon
as the pedal is released, the system will resume the
memorised speed. For obvious safety reasons, the device is
automatically de-activated if the driver puts his foot on
the brake or clutch pedal. In this case, the ‘RESUME’ button
on the end of the Cruise Control system control lever must
be pressed to recover the pre-set speed. To definitively
de-activate Cruise Control and cancel any previous setting,
the ring nut must be turned to the ‘OFF’ position and the
engine turned off. A telltale on the multifunction display
indicates whether the system is operating or de-activated.
The ASR system (Anti Slip Regulation) takes priority over
the automatic speed control; if ASR has to intervene, the
system will then resume the set speed.
Parking sensor
During parking manoeuvres, obstacles behind the car may be
outside the driver’s field of vision, or he may simply not
know how much space separates his car from the car parked
behind. In this situation the parking sensor can help; it is
activated every time reverse is engaged when the ignition
key is in the MAR position. The system comprises an
electronic control unit with an interface for the CAN
network, four ultrasonic sensors in the rear bumper and a
beeper. The four sensors cover both the rear side areas of
the car (from a distance of less than 60 centimetres), and
central rear areas (from a distance of less than 150 cm).
We can see how it functions in detail. The four ultrasonic
transducers act as intelligent transmitters and receivers of
impulses. The latter are emitted every time reverse is
engaged; if they meet an obstacle they are reflected and
received like an echo by the sensor. At this point the
incoming signal is converted into a digital signal and sent
to the electronic control unit, which activates the acoustic
alarm. The information is then transmitted to the driver by
intermittent beeps, which become more insistent until the
car reaches a distance of 30 centimetres from the obstacle,
when the signal becomes constant. The beeping stops if the
lateral sensors detect an approaching obstacle for more than
three seconds, so that the system does not continue to beep
while parking along a wall parallel to the vehicle axis.
Rain and dusk sensor
Good visibility at all times is an important aspect of
preventive safety. Which is why the Fiat Linea offers a rain
sensor, to ensure that the windscreen is always clean, even
in bad weather. The system is applied in the upper part of
the passenger compartment, behind the central rearview
mirror, and it automatically activates the windscreen wipers
and regulates their frequency depending on the intensity of
the rain. It is activated by moving the right-hand column
switch to the first position (intermittency), and its
operation is based on the principle of the refraction of
infrared rays through the glass and the drops of water. The
optical element of the sensor (lens) sends an infrared ray
to the windscreen, which reflects it and sends it back to
the sensor. Because the luminous energy sent to the
windscreen is constant, the value measured on the light
received decreases as the quantity of water and other
impurities on the windscreen increases. The variation in the
signal is processed by the electronic element of the sensor,
which activates the appropriate wiper stroke frequency.
Since the wet surface disturbs the human eye more at night
than during the day, the sensor also regulates the wiper
strokes on the basis of the ambient light. And it recognises
water streaks caused by worn blades, compensating for the
effects of the ageing of the windscreen and electronics. And
in particular situations, it activates special stroke
cycles: for example, when there are only a few drops of
rain, or impurities (saline deposits, dirt, etc.) on the
windscreen surface.
The sensitivity of the rain sensor can also be modified by
adjusting the two-position ring nut on the right column
switch. If the engine is stopped with the system engaged,
this is automatically de-activated. When the engine starts
again, the system can be re-activated by moving the switch
to zero and then back to the first position, or by adjusting
the sensitivity of the sensor. To indicate that it has been
re-activated, the system will perform one stroke of the
wipers, even if the windscreen is dry. After the windscreen
washer pump has been used, the sensor is activated
automatically for the time necessary to catch the drops
dripping down the glass.
Enjoyable to drive and to
travel in
One of the goals set by the designers who developed the Fiat
Linea was to create a suspension system that would offer
performance comparable with that of a higher class of car,
adopting devices that guaranteed easy, pinpoint steering,
excellent roadholding and the best comfort possible for
passengers. The choice went to two systems that had already
been used on other Fiat models, suitably modified and
At the front, the Fiat Linea adopts an independent
MacPherson layout, in which the shock absorbers and springs
act as both damping and elastic elements and as structural
and kinematic elements (the front and rear dampers are
supplied by Magneti Marelli). The main components of this
layout are the twin-shell wishbones made of pressed sheet
metal (using the patented ‘butterfly’ system), which means a
significant weight reduction, and the adoption of bushings
with more rubber to improve comfort (absorbing more
roughness) while guaranteeing excellent roadholding and
stability on corners. The new model also introduces a number
of extremely interesting elements, such as an aluminium
front suspension crossbeam with high structural rigidity.
And finally, the rear suspension is a semi-independent
system with interconnected wheels and a torsion axle, built
around a new anti-roll bar with small con rods anchored to
the dampers, for a greater stabilising effect and prompter
dynamic response when cornering. The particular shape of the
torsion axle made it possible to obtain a stabilising
anti-roll effect even without an anti-roll bar. That is not
all. The vertical position of the dampers, which are
anchored inside the wheelarch, also filters out road
roughness, enhancing acoustic comfort inside the car. The
rear axle is made up of lateral links pressed in two half
shells, welded to a lateral torsion profile with a
cylindrical heading to the actual links. And finally, the
large rear axle attachment bushes guarantee suspension
flexibility even under greater longitudinal loads, while the
particular shape of the damping elements ensures prompt
dynamic response on bends. |