The Ferrari team
members yesterday enjoyed the final day of the Brazilian
section of the Ferrari Panamerican 20,000 tour. The
day began at eight in the morning from the beautiful city of
Curitiba. The destination was Foz du Iguaçu, famous for its
stunning waterfalls. They are the widest in the world at
some two kilometres in width. The other characteristic of
this city is that it is situated right on the border of
Argentina and Paraguay.
The Panamerican 20,000 had reached the large and wonderful
city of Curitiba on Monday. The city is one of the richest
in Brazil where well-being, cleanliness and excellent public
services assure the population a superb standard of living.
The route did not present any particular problems. The
scenery was spectacular as the road that links the two
cities winds through a dense forest of banana plantations
and the climate here is subtropical.
The convoy had arrived in the Curitiba to be greeted by the
unusual sight of rain and fog. However, this did not prevent
the 599s from sampling the famous 'Gracious Road'. The
highway is considered by the locals to be one of the most
scenic in Brazil. It is thirty kilometres of paving stones,
breathtaking curves and lush vegetation. Using the road is
like negotiating the driveway to a grand villa rather than
the main thoroughfare which it is.
Yesterday's route was ideal for exploiting the 620
bhp of the 599 GTB Fioranos. The Maranello
berlinettas were perfectly at home on the ups and
downs of this hilly region of Brazil. |
The Ferrari team members yesterday enjoyed the final
day of the Brazilian section of the tour. The day
began at eight in the morning from the beautiful
city of Curitiba. |
After Wednesday's cold and rain, the sun shone
splendidly this yesterday as the convoy headed for Foz du
Iguaçu. The clear skies meant that the
cars proceeded in pleasant temperatures though there were
big differences between the day and the night-time
temperatures. The chilly climate meant that the team wore
heavy clothing in the early hours of the day. Yesterday's
route was ideal for exploiting the 620 bhp of the 599 GTB
The Maranello built berlinettas were perfectly at home on
the ups and downs of this hilly region of Brazil. The
excellent road surface, long straights and enjoyable curves
meant that the journalists got the most out of the drive.
The two 599 GTB Fioranos often cruised at over 140km/h
through scenery that recalled Tuscany. The first stage of
the Panamerican 20,000 concluded in the evening. Today the
crews will enter Argentina with the ultimate destination
being Calama, in Chile. The programmed arrival date is
Monday 4 September.