Iveco's Chief Executive Officer, Paolo Monferino, this week took part in the Opening Ceremony of the Sino-Italian Green Week and the Forum: "Towards a sustainable society", held at the Great Hall of People of the People's Republic of China in Beijing.

The Sino-Italian Green Week is dedicated to the Cooperation between Italy and China for the Protection of the Environment and Sustainable Development and is devoted to the presentation of the projects realised by the Italian Ministry for Environment and Territory in collaboration with the Chinese Ministry for Environmental Protection (SEPA), the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), the Ministry of Sciences and Technology (MOST), the Ministry of Water Resources, the State Forestry Administration, the National Commission for Reform and Development (NDRC), the Municipalities of Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Xi’an and Suzhou, as well as the Tsinghua University of Beijing and the Tongji University of Shanghai. In the framework of this programme, started in 2000, 57 projects have been developed for environmental protection in various domains, including transport and urban emissions. One of the most important projects involved FIAT Group in the development and supply of natural gas engines for public transport urban buses, in the Chinese capital.

Iveco's strategy is based on ongoing improvement of its own vehicle technologies, so as to ensure excellent performance both from an economic, as well as from an environmental point of view. Amongst the different alternative methods of propulsion, Iveco has given priority to those fed by natural gas, which comply with the strictest regulations, like the European Standards called the Enhanced Environmentally-friendly Vehicle (EEV) standards.


“Iveco”, said Monferino, "is strongly committed to the development of industrial and commercial activities in China with the objective of offering the local market a complete range of products, which are competitive in terms of quality and price."


Iveco's Chief Executive Officer, Paolo Monferino, this week took part in the Opening Ceremony of the Sino-Italian Green Week and the Forum: "Towards a sustainable society", held at the Great Hall of People of the People's Republic of China in Beijing.

In addition to the Iveco CEO, the Italian Ambassador to China, Gabriele Menegatti, the Italian Minister of the Environment, Alfonso Pecoraro Scanio, as well as the Chinese Minister, Zhou Shengxian, the Vice-Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and Chairman of CASS, Chen Kuiyuan, the Chinese Minister of Science and Technology (MOST), Xu Guanhua, the Mayor of the Municipality of Peking, Wang Qishan, the Chairman of the Italian Foreing Trade Agency (ICE), Umberto Vattani, and the EU Ambassador to China, Serge Abou took part in the Opening day of the Sino-Italian Green Week.

“Iveco”, said Monferino, "is strongly committed to the development of industrial and commercial activities in China with the objective of offering the local market a complete range of products, which are competitive in terms of quality and price. Our long-standing presence in China, which dates back to the Eighties, is proof of the soundness and continuity of our strategy in the Chinese market. By collaborating with excellent partners, like the Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation group (SAIC) or the Nanjing Automobile Corporation (NAC), our current partner in Naveco, Iveco pursues every opportunity for a quality presence on one of the more rapidly developing markets in the world.

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Report & Photos: IVECO / © 2006 Interfuture Media/Italiaspeed